At 4 p.m. the sun was already going down, but the air was warm and the road was flecked with spots of light. I shot about a dozen pictures, three of which I've given to Joshua for Photoshop work.
Later, leaving the road, we bumped our way along a gravel logging path, to the point where it ended and the trees took over again.
The little Opel I caught up with on the way down the mountain politely pulled aside for me. The motorcyclists were all in a salutatory mood, and the car drivers were tolerant, if rather sleepy and unconcentrated. It was a good time to be out.
Turning back toward Aegeri on Sattel, I passed by a little farm stand offering blueberries. As I rounded the curve away from it, I remembered the occasional thought that once I was moved into my own place, I'd try to get my food products directly from farms as much as possible.
Then I thought, what the heck, why am I waiting for that? And we pulled a U-y, returning to the stand and trading two five frank pieces for a bowl of a blueberries and jar of kiwi-peach marmalade.
Once home, I saw Florian, around working on the KLR and Selim's decrepit Hyosung, had mounted the rubber foot pegs on Silver and was ready to squeeze in the stearing head bearings which we'd left in the freezer for a couple hours before.
So in they went - by hammer. Using a pliers handle or a Hyosung bearing so as not to put dents in the Buell's bearings, he coaxed them into their proper positions. The mechanic would trow a fit if he saw we work on that wreck, but I just want it to teach me stunts, not win a prize.
Now my blueberries are all gone, and for supper I'll try the marmalade.
Yea for supporting your local farmers!