Thursday, October 15, 2009

Free Triumph

Luck struck again.
The boss of our facility management firm finally called me back about the motorcycle they fetched from Uster years ago.
"It's a Triumph Bandit 900er, pretty new. I'd be glad to get rid of it."
But of course! No matter that he turned the thing into a Trizuki. It's actually a Sprint 900. I don't know the year; I'm going to go look at it on Monday evening with Löchen. The cable harness is cut through and the steering clumn lock is broken, but both those things are fixable.
On Friday in a week the Cilera's going in for an inspection, and then I'll put out some online ads so we can sell the thing and make room in the garage. There's seven motorcycles overnighting in a space meant for one car.
On the aside: Silver's still in the basement. This evening I hope to get the oil filled in and the gearshift lever remounted. I'm still looking for a used but intact fork. There's nothing unsuspicious on E-Bay and a site in Germany only has a black one.
As soon as we got that, Silver's ready for the road.
We're making progress!

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